Kaxxa rigal tal-Milied munzell tieqa ħanut tal-inbid tal-ftuħ dekorazzjoni tas-siġra tal-Milied
Stand tal-iPad aġġustabbli, Detenturi tal-Stand tal-Pillola.
“Il-Milied” ġej, ġej il-Mulej Ġesù Kristu, lest?X’tip ta’ qalb għandna nużaw biex nilqgħu l-miġja tal-Mulej Ġesù Kristu?
Kull sena, aktar nies jinkwetaw dwar x'se jiksbu għall-Milied milli l-Ġenna tkopri xagħarhom.U ħsibna varjetà ta 'kaxxi tar-rigali għall-Milied.Ejja nagħtu ħarsa!
Din hija aKaxxa tar-rigali tal-Milied packaging, the packaging into a lot of festive elements, simple gift boxes with different colors, the combination of red and green is the main color of Christmas, this is a combination of retro and modern gift packaging. What could be more ritualistic than having a party in the house with the snow outside your window and taking out your wrapped Kaxxa tar-rigali tal-Milied and holding it in your hands to show your appreciation for your partner’s company and support throughout the year?