Qutiya diyariya Sersalê dikana firoşgeha şerabê pencereya ku xemilandina dara Sersalê vedike
Standa iPad-ê ya Birêkûpêk, Xwediyên Standa Tabletê.
"Noel" tê, Xudan Îsa Mesîh tê, hûn amade ne?Em gerekê çawa dil bidine xebatê seva ku pêşwaziya hatina Xudan Îsa Mesîh bikin?
Her sal, bêtir mirov ditirsin ku ji bo Sersalê çi bistînin ji ku Bihuşt porê wan vedigire.Û me ji bo Sersalê qutiyên diyariyê yên cihêreng dîzayn kirine.Ka em lê binêrin!
Ev aqutiya diyariya sersalê packaging, the packaging into a lot of festive elements, simple gift boxes with different colors, the combination of red and green is the main color of Christmas, this is a combination of retro and modern gift packaging. What could be more ritualistic than having a party in the house with the snow outside your window and taking out your wrapped qutiya diyariya sersalê and holding it in your hands to show your appreciation for your partner’s company and support throughout the year?